Friday, December 26, 2008

She's a mover and a shaker!

Kate has been sooo busy this week! She's hardly been home! She's gone to a half dozen restaurants, Grandma and Grandpa's house, the mall, and miscellaneous other places. She was so tired from it all that she slept all day today. Poor little girl. This evening she finally woke up with a few smiles for Mom and Dad... and the dog... and her stuffed horse... and the wall... She's become indiscriminately social. It's every father's nightmare of what his young daughter will be like. She also rolls around on the floor a lot and seems to have no concern about who she shows her diaper to.



Kate's young, hip aunt and uncle have offered to babysit for us this weekend so we can have some time together at long last. Daddy P and I have spent all day trying to figure out what in the world we will do together. It's been so long it's hard to remember. We finally settled on trying a new Italian restaurant and then seeing if we have enough energy to stay awake through a movie.

Kate's been consistently sleeping six hour blocks at night. We love it. My body is still adjusting, and as a result I have to wake up before she does (sucks) but soon I am hoping I can wait until she wakes up to get up myself. She's been waking up happy in the morning and babbling away to whatever will listen.

Today she seemed like she knew her hand was hers. She looked like she was honestly trying to grab hold of something. By the time I retrieved the camera she'd decided she was done with it and wanted to eat, but I'll try try again soon.

1 comment:

cece said...

HOpe you totally enjoyed your time alone must have been wonderful what a great present! Love Cece