Sunday, December 14, 2008

gDiaper revisited

Since the gDiaper band is just too rigid on Kate's sensitive belly, I ventured to the baby store to learn about cloth diapers. Who knew they were so complicated! The sales woman spent about 15 minutes explaining all the many many options to me. There are waterproof liners with inserts (then various styles and fabrics of inserts to choose from), then there are all-in-one diapers that are both the waterproof liner and an absorbent inner filler that can be thrown in the wash, and so on and so forth for ten more minutes. I bought two different types to try out with the inner gDiaper liner. The first was an all-in-one diaper. The downside of this one is that it would need to be washed after every change and costs a whopping $25 each. The plus side is that it will fit her until she reaches 35 pounds so we could use it throughout this process. The second is just a waterproof liner. We tried that one first.

It worked surprisingly well. It contained a massive blowout bowel movement that would have challenged any diaper. I was really impressed. The gDiaper liner stayed in place for the most part, and soaked up the urine pretty well. It is a definite contender. However, because of the bowel movement it had to be laundered... So we're going to give it another go. The hope is that we would only have to wash it after bowel movements and not for just wet diapers. If that's true, we'll probably stick with it.

I was pretty impressed though, with the all-in-one diaper. If we didn't live in a drought area, I'd be more inclined to go that route and launder our own diapers. Daddy P doesn't really want to deal with the whole poop-disposal issue of cloth diapers though (which, I do understand), which is how we ended up at the gDiaper solution in the first place.

Anyway, the new diaper was MUCH more comfortable for the little one. She's continued to share smiles.

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