Wednesday, December 17, 2008

First Fever

Well, we had the milestone of first fever this week. Come and gone (luckily). And just in time for her to meet her Great Grandma this week! Along with the milestone of first fever (or rather, after it had come and gone) we experienced the milestone of second night of sleeping through the night! What a way to celebrate feeling better!

So, when not caring for the sick baby and disinfecting like a crazy woman, I have been preparing for company, and Christmas... they happily go together...

Although I have no good pictures to show for it yet, baby has been holiday-ized and I hope to deck her out and take some cute pictures soon. In the meantime... I just have my current favorite picture to share.

We had our second test of the Bummis Super Brite cover and it passed! It is very happily working with the gDiaper inserts so far. Not as well as the gDiaper itself, mind you, but good enough. My current problem is, the Super Brite runs about $13 a pop, and fits to 15 pounds. Do I splurge and buy a couple in the name of using up our gDiaper liners? Dilemmas, dilemmas...

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