Thursday, December 11, 2008

Milkscreen -- try it for free!

Our Babies R Us sells Milkscreen. You may remember me mentioning it before... it's used to test how much alcohol is in a mom's milk. After a very yummy (but rather strong) margarita on Sunday (thanks, Charlie!), I decided to invest in a try of it. Who knew that it would be a FREE trial! That's right folks, you can try it out for FREE right now. There's a mail in rebate that lets you do so, so consider it license to drink without worry. Or, something.

I decided that I needed a baseline, you know, just in case my milk naturally has alcohol. Well, turns out it doesn't. But now we know.

I am a fan of the idea of the product, however, the instructions were written for a consumer with a 2nd grade reasoning capability. Actually, that might insult a second grader...

For instance, some examples from the instructions include:

- "persons who are color blind or visually impaired may experience difficulty in using the test..." -- okay, so blind people may have trouble, uh, seeing the strip? yeah.

- if you choose to express your breastmilk, do not do so into your beer can. Seriously. It says this. Okay, in slightly different words. But the message is clear.

Other interesting notes:

- it picks up alcohol *fumes* so it advises that you do the test outside to be sure of your results since household cleaners can give off such fumes.

- it will pick up the alcohol in cold meds, so if you are ODing on NyQuil it will tell you.


Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Love it! This is too funny!

Karrie said...

Wow - look at all these new innovations in the market these days. I have a lot to learn.