Tuesday, November 11, 2008


In honor of my first all-nighter since college, I decided to dedicate this post to the things that we have found soothe baby Kate...

- top fav is sleeping on people
- second up is being swung in her carseat (Daddy P discovered this one) which led to this novel creation, courtesy of Daddy P...

(and yes, we do own a swing, but apparently the frequency of the oscillation is not to her specific demands... she prefers a person-length arm from the center of gravity, and manually swinging a carseat gets really exhausting so Daddy P hung the carseat in our bedroom. we've since had to adjust the chain shorter to a person-length arm, of course...)
- being walked under the bathroom fan (thanks for this one, Cat and Noble!)
- sitting in the swing while Mamacita blow-dries her hair
- car rides
- eating (of course, aren't we all really just emotional eaters?)
- bouncing (but, not in the bouncer... no, she likes to be held perfectly horizontal and bounced by hand)
- being cuddled by Daddy P

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