Monday, November 24, 2008

A Great Night!

Kate had a great night last night! Granted, it was after an hour of screaming at Daddy P while I snuck in a quick nap before bed, but... great! She went to bed at 10:30, woke at 2:30am to eat, and then slept after that until 6:30am! Woo hoo! Now, I know better than to think this will happen again tonight, but boy did I need those chunks of sleep!

We are trying to see if it is the result of one of two things... Last Thursday we called the doctor because her tummy problems had escalated to the point she wasn't eating full feedings because she would arch her back and twist off and cry. The nurse wanted us to try a few things before we brought her in. We were to give her Mylicon (an anti-gas medicine) four times a day (including once at bedtime), burp her more (which was impossible so we ignored this one... we already burp her for a total of a half hour each feeding), burp her more often (we tried this but it led to her spitting up more, so we stopped), and keep her propped upright for an hour after feeding.

Coincidentally, around the same time we started this regimen, we also ran out of milk in the house and have figured out how to help her to get her gas out more efficiently... so we are now left with the question of whether it was my crazy amount of milk consumption, her tummy gas pains, or the nurse's orders that has led to a noticeable decrease in spitting up and less scary screaming.

Whatever it was, it is working, and I am not going to change anything right now!

Here is a pic of Kate being fascinated with herself.

1 comment:

Kelley said...

My mom has always sworn that eating dairy gives babies gas. She told me in the hospital to only eat one serving of dairy a day -- hard to do when you're used to trying to get a healthy amount of calcium while pregnant! Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if it was all the milk you were drinking.