Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Kate got to dress up a little, courtesy of her great aunt! Unfortunately, neither outfit lasted much longer than the afternoon. With the current spit-up situation, we go through at least 4 outfits in 24 hours. I've started using a bib which helps some but then the poor kid is wearing a bib all day! It's much easier, though, than trying to change her out of a onesie five times. I mean, whoever invented the onesie did not have a child who spit up a lot. On the other hand, they're easy to wash and they do get washed a lot!

Today I start a sidebar to try (likely in vain) to figure out what causes Kate's terrible horrible "I'm going to die from the pain" gassy times. This is seriously the most awful thing I've experienced. And that Elly has experienced, too. The poor dog goes positively berserk when Kate pulls out her pterodactyl cry that makes her face turn purple. Little consoles Kate when she is experiencing this yucky pain, which makes it all the harder for us parents to cope with. Daddy P discovered that walking up and down the stairs calms her (fun for all!) and falling asleep on our chests is hit-and-miss. Unfortunately the trade off being she's calm but you are totally stuck in one place indefinitely. She usually decides this is the approach that will work right around the time my hunger pains start.

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