Friday, October 10, 2008

Baby baby everywhere

Because my stomach was split open, we decided the trip next door to the crib might be a little much every night. Now, I am not really one for the whole co-sleeping thing. Not my bag. BUT, we bought a co-sleeper because getting out of bed has been harder than usual this past week. Kate has taken to it brilliantly and we've managed alright with it so far. On one hand I have found it so much easier to roll over and breastfeed her in the middle of the night without having to get up and move around much. On the other, I cannot wait to have the bed to ourselves again. So, it's working for now, but she better not get too used to it.

I also broke out the baby sling that Cece bought me today. It is soooo awesome. I can see how those nutty baby-wearing people get really into this. Kate being Kate she slept through the whole thing, but I'm sure she liked it.

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