Friday, August 10, 2012

Rough Patch

This is one of those times that you have to try very very hard to remember that everything WILL change.... given enough time...

We are finishing week 4 of overwhelming awful nights.  Kate's sleep disruption started before we went on vacation.  But starting night #1 of vacation and continuing until this week, it has escalated to the point that she has been having nightly night terrors (which you cannot do anything about but wait through, and which always wake Jacob up because of the out of control yelling/crying).  In addition, for three weeks she has been waking up 3-5 additional times screaming.  At least one of these includes blood-curdling screaming along with throwing furniture, hitting, scratching, and running away (trying to leave the room, leave the house, crawl under the bed, hide behind furniture).  I am averaging about 4-6 hours of sleep a night with no longer of a segment than 2 hours at a stretch.  We have split up duties, so that Paul soothes Jacob during this and I take Kate.  But we are spent.  Tonight we are sleeping in different houses just to try to maximize sleep.  I cannot stress how overwhelmed and hopeless this feels.

This feels like a combination of a bunch of different things all combining into one vat of nasty.

Here is my pieced together explanation...

It all started with...

Mix in...

And you get...

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