Monday, February 6, 2012


My bundled up running "cold" again...50s...kid's got a cold but we were both fussy so decided fresh air was in order. I think this is the first cold Jacob got on his own. Hopefully he will keep it to himself...

Last weekend Paul stayed with Jacob while Kate and I went to my parents. Apparently I was the only one who got good sleep! Kate was up with my mom until around 10:30 and Jacob and Paul duked it out at home. After several hours of giving Jacob a bottle and trying to soothe him, he gave in and let him cry. One hour later, Jacob had learned to stand up in his crib and was finally asleep.

Last night he woke up once but Paul put him to sleep. That's right folks, I did not have to nurse between 10 pm and 7am and it was amazing.

Paul joked today, though that I got less sleep than him. Kate woke up at one point and we heard her switch on the light and russle around. Apparently she couldn't find horsey. After I fished him out, cuddled and a glass of milk were needed before she settled back to bed.

Thank you, Paul, for your sacrifice! (and you, too, Jacob.)

Here's hoping it continues.

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