Monday, November 14, 2011

Restful Sunday

We had a really nice weekend. We woke up and made pumpkin pancakes and coffee. Lazy and slow morning, followed by some lunch at our local bakery on the patio. Kate and Daddy P worked on spelling words. And Kate camped in the living room.

We have been sleep training Jacob. Or rather, I should say Daddy P has been. It was going well all weekend with Jacob habit an easier and easier time falling asleep on his own. And then...I tried to put him down last night. I spent 1.5 hours doing Paul's technique with the result being screaming and more screaming. After I gave up and Paul took over it took Jim literally ten minutes.

So although he is still going down hard for me, he goes down easy now for Paul and we went from a week of him being up every two hours to now he has slept through the night twice. He even woke up last night, rolled around for thirty minutes, and then fell asleep by himself. It was great!

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