Sunday, November 6, 2011

Alone, just me and ferber

After two nights of Jacob waking every hour, I shipped sleep-deprived Paul and Kate to my parents house to sleep one good night. Paul's circles were getting steadily grayer and larger and the poor guy doesn't need to be sleepy on ous commute. Kate gets cranky when tired (she is 100% like me; sorry, Kate) so I needed her to have sleep.

Tonight, I am alone with Jacob and have been Ferberizing. For those of you less familiar with the wave of parenting terms, this one refers to the sleep training technique of going in to soothe the baby after progressively longer periods of time, with the end goal that he can soothe himself to sleep.

All you need to know about the picture is that a red light means crying and a green light means quiet.  Right now I have a baby who is awake hut STOPPED crying.

Now, Kate wasnt a ferber baby. She would cry herself to puking before she would cry herself calm, so we never bothered trying this with her.

But Jacob is way more dependent on people, and way more needy with soothing, but ironically is easier to soothe.

So, we will see. At least two people are sleeping tonight.

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