Sunday, April 10, 2011

House Cleaning

Today we cleaned. Some of us were more clothed than others.

Kate then obliged us by taking a three hour nap during our childbirth class waking up at the very very end. She missed watching examples of different births. Probably a good thing. Although two of the women looked so calm you might have mistaken the moaning for other things, one screamed bloody murder the whole time (our doula here reminded us to keep you voice low to channel energy downward instead of out your mouth).

My favorite part was practicing positions. Each one included massage practice. I want to practice them every night now.  I am newly motivated to get back in shape. That and one of my closest friends told me she thinks the main reason her second birth was so much harder than her first was because she wasn't in shape. And I am definitely not. I started on a good path, hit between work and the toddler and family, exercise got pushed aside. I am also significantly more incomfortable tba. The first time which makes motivating myself a challenge. But tomorrow, I renew my effort. 

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