Friday, October 29, 2010

Doctors, revisited

A comparison:

New Doctor: I'm a little worried because she isn't gaining weight, but she's getting taller, and meeting all of her milestones, so that's good.  Let's do a bloodtest though just to rule out Celiac's Disease.

Old Doctor:  She's fine

New Doctor:  She should be taking vitamins.  Just get those chewable ones and give her one a day so she's getting enough Vitamin D.
Old Doctor: (crickets)

New Doctor:  Have her walk across the room for me so I can watch her walk.
Old Doctor: (already left the room)

So yeah, we're really liking our new pediatrician.  Kate's grown vertically a ton but is only three pounds more than October of last year so we're still keeping an eye on her.  Daddy P's explanation is a "blame the diabetic fat kids for messing up the norms" explanation (okay that really shouldn't be in quotes), but we'll find out Monday if she's allergic to wheat or not.  Doc doesn't think it's that but she wants to be sure.

Apparently, Kate loves watching her blood getting drawn.  I was home recovering from a stomach bug so got to miss this fun event.

Yeah, we all lost a week to sickness.  Kate started throwing up last weekend and kept throwing up almost on the hour for twleve hours overnight.  Then I got it three days later.  Daddy P has survived unscathed, but everyone I know who has kids has either had it or seen it.  Yuck.  Her teacher had it the week before she got it so I guess it was a matter of time until she brought it home.

So I had to cancel clients for two days, and then Daddy P had to take time off work to cover the hours I usually watch Kate.  It was a really stressful yucky week and is making it so both he and I have to work this weekend to catch up.  But it is over and now we have stronger immune systems to show for it!  Yay!

More later... hope all are well...

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Celiac's.... I was worried about this at the start- I hope you figure out what's going on... hope everyone is feeling better!