Monday, August 9, 2010

Thunder in the Zoo

We went to Rainforest Cafe one night since we were a block away and we didn't want to get in the car. I had never been, but Daddy P assured me there would be lots of fake animals moving around, and all kinds of craziness. We prepared Kate.

"Kate, we're going to see ANIMALS!" (How do you explain "fake"? Couldn't quite get it across...)

"Namals!" she cried.

We went. She was a little freaked out. It was very dark, and very very busy, and there was a lot to take in for my sensory-sensitive child. But she enjoyed it. Until. Until she and Daddy P were walking around looking at the "Gorilla family" and the "thunderstorm" started. The lights flash, a lot of noise happens, and Daddy P said Kate grabbed hold of him and shouted "mama!!!" She returned to the table and clung to me through the rest of the meal.

(yes, we're in a mama phase, and yes, I'm totally eating it up)

The next time the thunder came on, she was less freaked out and instantly signed "thunder" and looked around to watch the flashes. When it was over she signed more and said "again" and then signed "thunder."

Today, we went to the real zoo. I was excited. I hadn't been to this zoo in ten years. I didn't remember it sucking, so I thought that we were in for a fun morning. We were getting ready, and again I'm talking about seeing the animals. Kate says "zoo!" and signs this weird thing that doesn't make sense to me. It kinda looks like drive, but not really. And kinda looks like plane, but her fist is closed. And then, it hits me. She's signing "thunder" because she thinks we already went to the zoo.

I started cracking up, and tried to explain that no, we weren't going to eat at the zoo, but we were going to see lots of animals and we'd be **outside**.

It was a ton of fun. It was super kid-friendly, and she loved the "children's zoo" exhibits. We survived the 100+ weather, and left around noon to avoid heat stroke. All in all lots of fun.

And no thunder.

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