Monday, August 23, 2010

Quick Child Care Update

Today went without a hitch. (collective sigh)

On the way to school Kate and I talked about what was going to happen. She was well prepped since we've been reading the "going to school" book that I wrote for her for a week now. (It has pictures of the school, and teachers, and is basically just a description of her whole school day routine including before school and who picks her up.) So, we got there and she knew we were going to first put Horsey in her cubby, so in we go. That done, she walks me to the playground since she also knew she'd be arriving at play time.

Then, she hesitantly plays, keeping close. After a few minutes she lets a teacher push her on the swing. I give her 5, 2 and 1 minute warnings, and then tell her I have to go to work. I kiss her, she walks into a "train" on the playground and I leave. That was seriously it.

Then I got in the car and choked back tears.

We got an email update from the director a few hours later that she'd warmed up a bit on the playground, but still kept to herself, and then took a good nap that afternoon. (Miraculous!!)

She apparently hadn't eaten lunch because she was so timid, but by snacktime after lunch must have been so hungry she devoured everything. The teacher sent us a nice note home detailing how it went.

When Daddy P arrived, she took his hand, walked him over to the teacher, and said "truck" since she was also prepped she'd have to ride the truck home since I'd have the car. With that, they gathered up horsey and came home.

She was tired tonight, but smiling a lot. She was making up for her shyness all day by babbling constantly all evening and being super duper active.

Hopefully tomorrow will go just as well!!

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