Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mom and Dad activities

Already Kate has activities she associates with me and with Daddy P. This morning after breakfast, before Daddy P had a chance to run to work, Kate says "up" and then "ball." Daddy P promptly gets her up from her highchair and gives in to a quick game of catch. I don't think I would have guessed that "ball" would be one of the words Kate best articulates at 16 months, but there you have it. Her word list to date is "Mamamamama," "Da," "Hi," and "Ball." She's working on some others but I would say these are the words that are recognizable to strangers. We were at the grocery store last week and a women comes to stand behind us. Kate promptly says "hi" and the woman looked startled to get an unsolicited greeting from a toddler. After peering at Kate a bit she said a chipper "hi" back. Who knew with her parents' introversion my daughter would be saying "hi" to everyone she meets!

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