Thursday, October 29, 2009

Moving and Halloween

We are settled in. After two weeks spent packing, moving, unpacking, getting sick, getting Daddy P sick, getting baby Kate sick... here we are. There is little unpacking that has been done, but we're getting there.

In the meantime, Kate's been making good use of her Auntie's gift of monster shoes now that the weather is cooling down. She has also very much figured out that there are two horseys. She found the spare. Now I'm wondering if that means I have to have two spares for the horsey AND the spare... Hm...

Her latest interest is place settings. She wants her own plate or bowl. If we give her food on the table or on her tray, she will reach for a bowl, then put all the food in the bowl before immediately putting it in her mouth. It's pretty entertaining.

She has seven teeth at last count, but the drool might mean more are coming. They just don't stop...!

She has her bedroom painted to match the old, with a different constellation though. I think it helped her transition, but it might also have just really confused her as to why her room is almost, but not quite, the same...

Part of our move meant spending large amounts of money at Lowes and Ikea. Kate benefited from this trend in many ways, but I think her favorite is her chair which matches the grown-up chair in the den/playroom.

Oh, and the latter is my favorite part. I now have a toy-tv room, and a normal room. Yay! I love it. And Daddy P will too once the new couch comes for the den so he can sit on something besides the floor to watch football. (I claimed our pretty couch for "my" room...)

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