Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy 1st Kate!

Kate turned one today!

We started the day with crying. A lot of crying. And then Tylenol. And then more crying. Then as Daddy P left for work, more crying accompanied by reaching and clawing towards Daddy P.

A doctor's visit, which prompted more crying (crying on the table to get measured, crying in the room when she realized she could open the cupboards but I wouldn't let her play in them, crying when the doctor touched her with the stethoscope, crying when she got shots...).

An early nap.

(No crying.)

Some fun with the nanny. Then crying for her.

Crying for mom. Crying for dad. More Tylenol.

And then... nope, no crying for the grandparents.

We went to Central Market for dinner with the grandparents. Baby Kate danced to the music, walked around watching the kids, and ate her birthday dessert. The day ended on an up note (thankfully).

Here we see a very very sleep Kate:

Exasperated at her mom:

And now, while taking pictures of her happy, she begins to cry for no discernible reason:

Happiness for being free to roam and play:

"I don't know who was crying."

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Love these pictures -- even the one of her crying. It's too cute!