Thursday, October 29, 2009

Moving and Halloween

We are settled in. After two weeks spent packing, moving, unpacking, getting sick, getting Daddy P sick, getting baby Kate sick... here we are. There is little unpacking that has been done, but we're getting there.

In the meantime, Kate's been making good use of her Auntie's gift of monster shoes now that the weather is cooling down. She has also very much figured out that there are two horseys. She found the spare. Now I'm wondering if that means I have to have two spares for the horsey AND the spare... Hm...

Her latest interest is place settings. She wants her own plate or bowl. If we give her food on the table or on her tray, she will reach for a bowl, then put all the food in the bowl before immediately putting it in her mouth. It's pretty entertaining.

She has seven teeth at last count, but the drool might mean more are coming. They just don't stop...!

She has her bedroom painted to match the old, with a different constellation though. I think it helped her transition, but it might also have just really confused her as to why her room is almost, but not quite, the same...

Part of our move meant spending large amounts of money at Lowes and Ikea. Kate benefited from this trend in many ways, but I think her favorite is her chair which matches the grown-up chair in the den/playroom.

Oh, and the latter is my favorite part. I now have a toy-tv room, and a normal room. Yay! I love it. And Daddy P will too once the new couch comes for the den so he can sit on something besides the floor to watch football. (I claimed our pretty couch for "my" room...)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Baby Kate's First Move

Stand by for pictures... movers come Sunday. Packing has commenced.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Playing at the Park

Daddy P, Kate and I don't make it to the park often during the week. Between our work schedule, dinner, and Kate's early bedtime (7pm is her preference), it's hard to do much in the evening. But last night we were determined. I had dinner ready to go so that we could go to the park, come home, and eat. Which meant we got some very fun family time. Kate splashed in the puddles, and practiced climbing. Mom and Dad practiced trying to get her to learn to scoot down steps and not try to walk down them... It was good all around.

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Last Week in Pictures

I have been neglectful. We've been busy trying to get the house ready for the move this weekend, and the blog has suffered... Apologizes... Meanwhile, a freaking tree falls on our current (rental)...

Kate's 1 year old picture... She's 50th percentile on weight and head, and 25th on height... That explains why we're rolling up all her pants!

Kate's excited about Halloween!!!!

She's slightly enamored with her babydoll right now. Even horsey is having a tough time comopeting!

The sleepless nights and fussy days continue. Four teeth in, and one more pushing through...

Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy 1st Kate!

Kate turned one today!

We started the day with crying. A lot of crying. And then Tylenol. And then more crying. Then as Daddy P left for work, more crying accompanied by reaching and clawing towards Daddy P.

A doctor's visit, which prompted more crying (crying on the table to get measured, crying in the room when she realized she could open the cupboards but I wouldn't let her play in them, crying when the doctor touched her with the stethoscope, crying when she got shots...).

An early nap.

(No crying.)

Some fun with the nanny. Then crying for her.

Crying for mom. Crying for dad. More Tylenol.

And then... nope, no crying for the grandparents.

We went to Central Market for dinner with the grandparents. Baby Kate danced to the music, walked around watching the kids, and ate her birthday dessert. The day ended on an up note (thankfully).

Here we see a very very sleep Kate:

Exasperated at her mom:

And now, while taking pictures of her happy, she begins to cry for no discernible reason:

Happiness for being free to roam and play:

"I don't know who was crying."

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Birthday tooth?

Kate has been, well, not her normal easy going self. And I think this little white strip might be to blame... Her top tooth poked through this morning for the first time. Tomorrow we celebrate her birthday with birthday shots. Sounds fun, right?