Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Know it all

[somehow this one never got published... so here you go...]

Baby Kate knows what she wants and she's not afraid to tell you. Let me share a few scenarios we've had reoccur daily...

Naptime: We start off reading books and then she gets a bottle to snack on before nap. She won't sleep without the bottle, and will cry until you come back and give it to her if you try to skip it. Well, lately, she's begun to dictate how many books are read. You read her one, and she leans over to the bookstack to pick another one. Then you read that one and she leans over to the stack and grabs yet another. It goes on like this. If you try to give her the bottle she just shoves it away. Eventually she signs "bottle" and accepts the bottle and goes to sleep. Pushy little thing, huh?

After nap: Three days now Kate will crawl over to me, climb to standing and pound my leg. I look down and ask "bottle?" She signs "bottle" and then sucks it down when I give it to her.

So, we got the bottle sign down.

Today Daddy P was giving her lunch and he paused to feed himself while Kate ate her finger food. Well, eventually he looked up and saw Kate clapping her hands together crazily (her version of the "more" sign) and an empty plate before her. He gave her more peaches and she ate them all up.

She's a busy little thing. Here's a short video of her crawling to go watch the puppy. (Nothing earth shattering, just an update!) :)

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