Wednesday, June 17, 2009

First Word

Kate used her first sign today. She was acting fussy during play time and I asked if she wanted a bottle. She immediately signed "bottle" and then downed the bottle I presented her. She did it again later in the day. She had finished her bottle off completely before her nap and I put her down after reading some books and singing to her. She wasn't having that. I went back to her room and picked her up and she signed "bottle". I gave her another bottle, she finished it off, and promptly went to sleep.

The flip side is that right now "more" seems also to be the bottle sign... sometimes she wants the bottle but other times she just wants more food. But it's a step. :)

She also had some fun at dinner tonight. Daddy P is out of town, and I have had a rough day. So I decided to let Kate do what she wanted for dinner. This is what resulted:

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