Wednesday, January 7, 2015

No Expectations

The key to parenthood is to eliminate expectations.  Just, don't bother.  Then, you are rarely disappointed and sometimes surprised.

Christmas week we went to Utah and both kids got sick.  Our divide and conquer sleeping arrangement seemed to maximize sleep though:  Daddy P and Jacob together, Kate and I.  Jacob was up several times a night for the whole week, unfortunately for Daddy P.  Kate had a nasty cough that kept me up some but she actually managed to sleep as soon as we put her in her own bed on the floor.  A holiday trip to urgent care to rule out an ear infection topped it off.

They had fun during the day, but wore out as the week went on.

As soon as we got home Jacob and I both got really sick, sleeping all day and feeling lousy.  He got a fever on New Years Eve and we missed hanging out with friends.  Because everyone was sick, and Kate was still getting over her cough we had to reschedule her surgery which is still up in the air.

We had a beautiful Saturday and Sunday -- relaxing, fun, and everyone felt decent.

Yesterday, Jacob came home with a 103 fever.  No flu, but pneumonia.  Apparently our yearly bout.  So he will be home the rest of the week.

I'm trying to ignore how behind I am getting at work and just treat it like my own personal sick day since I feel pretty lousy myself.

Despite all this, we are all in pretty good spirits.  Grateful for medicine, for a soft bed, and for plentiful food.  Could be so much worse.

Now that I'm going on hour two of Barney, though, I might root against instant video access...

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