Thursday, May 15, 2014

Playdate Sibling Rivalry

Jacob had his first playdate rejection experience.  Kate and her friend Will were playing and there was no room for little brother.

Tonight, lying in bed, he recapped for me...

"Mommy, I was lonely."
"When Will was over?"
"Yeah.  I went on the swing.  Daddy pushed me.  But it didn't make my body feel better."
"You felt sad?"
"Yeah.  I just colored with Daddy.  I didn't get to play."
"I'm sorry, baby.  Sometimes we feel sad.  Daddy tried to keep you company."
"Daddy didn't fix it."
"No, he didn't.  He tried, but sometimes Mommies and Daddies can't make the sad go away.  We can just try to help and keep you company."

Sniff.  Sniff.

My sweet, articulate, not-yet-3 year old.  Geesh.  Kills me.

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