Friday, December 28, 2012


We survived the insanity of the holidays.  To recap what you missed.

Three weeks ago:  double ear infection.  First antibiotic.
Two weeks ago:  Second antibiotic (first didn't work).
One week ago:  Another double ear infection.  New antibiotic.

Needless to say, for the last month we have not slept.  Jacob has been inconsolable.  He hits us, he hits Kate, he hits the dog.  He lies down and hits his head.  He cries.  He screams.  Drugs take the edge off, but not until yesterday did we have our normal Jacob back.  All smiles, all day.

Makes you grateful that your kid is not normally a holy terror.  My sister watched the kids overnight (thank you thank you thank you) and that's the first chunk of sleep longer than 4 hours I've had in several months.  Several, long, awful, sleepless months.

I think Jacob heard me mentioning "three kids" and took action to ensure his "baby" status in the family.

Mission successful.

The kids had a blast.  Unfortunately, I don't have many pictures since I was without phone the whole time, but will try to get some soon to share...

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