Thursday, November 22, 2012


Jacob is almost 17 months old.

He thinks he can fly.  He tries to jump from the ottoman to the couch (because his sister can).  He thinks he can sing and tries to sign along to songs he likes.  He says "thank you" and signs "please,"  mostly when prompted or when he **really** wants something.  He loves Elly.  He loves his sister.  He pulls her hair or hits her if she tells him "no."  It's at the point if she is upset at ANYTHING he hits her.  It's great.  She yells, and then he walks over and hits her.

I was so irritated this morning I found myself in this exchange:
"Jacob pulled my hair, Mommy."
"Well, Kate, you just stood there and watched him walk up to you, reach out, and pull your hair.  MOVE AWAY."
(Can you tell I've been stressed and not the optimal momma lately?)

But back to Jacob...
He's my cuddler.  He loves a tickle fight.  He LOVES pretending to be a cat, crawling around and meowing (with his sister).  He will sit and flip through books for almost a half hour.  He loves to dance!  It looks like spinning with a little stomping thrown in.  I'm trying to teach him Indian dancing and playing a lot of Bollywood since he's already got the stomping.

His words he uses all the time:
tractor - "datder"
kate - "tate tate"
truck - "tuk"
banana - nana
no (uses this one a LOT)

I'm sure there are more but those are the go-tos...

Weird things about Jacob:
- he loves broccoli.  loves it.
- he loves hummus.  he'll eat it with a spoon.  (so will I, but seems not too baby-like)
- hates milk.  even though he can have it now, he will avoid it if possible.  drinks a gallon of rice milk a week though.  we're hoping to switch to almond milk for more protein once we confirm he's not allergic to almonds...
- he is allergic to EVERYTHING.  we have NO food allergies in our family. wait, his aunt is allergic to olive oil.  but other than that!  milk, peanuts, pecans, eggs... we are under doctor's orders to not give him anything new when the doctor's office isn't open.  (reassuring)
- he is ALWAYS teething.  He slept through the night for, oh, two months I think... right now we're on the K9s... I don't believe I will ever feel rested again.

Because he's the baby... he... still drinking from a bottle morning and night... gets mommy's full attention whenever he cries... follows his sister EVERYWHERE and tries to do everything she does... gets his mother's full adoration, but half her attention...

He and I went on a walk yesterday and it was so nice to give him all my attention!  So rare.  (so peaceful)

We are still in survival mode around here.  Through a serious of bad decisions I have ended up working full-time.  This will end in early December.  Paul is ready for me to return to the sane, part-time working mom I was.  I am ready to not feel like a crazy person.

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