Friday, May 25, 2012

The Run-down

The quick and dirty of what's going on in our house these days...

 Learning how to put spoons in the cone.  Always fun to move it and find a big pile!

Playing at the park...

- nap INSANITY.  Kate's nap starts at 12:30 (when we leave the room), she falls asleep at 1:30, we wake her up at 3pm, and then she can't fall asleep until 9:30pm.  I kid you not.  Big disagreements about whether to nix the nap are happening in our house.

- Jacob is weaned.  Well, sorta.  I weaned him down to two feedings, then he got sick and I started nursing him again, then we weaned him, and then he got sick... so who knows what the heck is happening.  He sure doesn't, and his frustration shows.

- Kate is asking death questions.  It started because we have a Christmas book that talks about Jesus.  Although we skip the part about how he died (and there are no pictures for that part so it's easy) she asks about the death.  Last time it was "what did Jesus turn into when he died?  this plant?" she asked as she pointed to a picture of plant (the only picture on the page, so really it kinda made sense).  Maybe we have been listening to too much Kirtan in our house.  Then after we found a dead bird it was "what happened to make the bird dead?" and "what makes birds dead" and "what makes people dead?"  So far I have just avoided entirely.

- Kate is big time figuring out roles and what is expected of her.  We hear things like, "I was nice to Jacob, Mommy, I didn't even hit him" and "I walked Nana to the door, wasn't that polite?" and "I slept really good last night, didn't I?"  She is very focused on figuring out what different people expect of her (nanny, mom, dad, Jacob, nana, papa) and how the roles are different and what she can get away with.

- Jacob is walking everywhere.  His new favorite toy at almost 11 months is that push-popper.  Today, for the first time, he wanted to touch the vacuum.  He is normally terrified of it when I clean, but he wanted to push it himself today.  This is odd to me mostly because Kate never did at that age, and he has a boy cousin who is obsessed with vacuums.  Maybe it bodes well for his future roommate...

- We got a full day sans kids today for our anniversary.  Nine years!  We went to Enchanted Rock and hiked all over the park.  It was wonderful and perfect (and hot!!) and exactly how we wanted to be together on our anniversary.  For #10 we are looking forward to actually leaving the kids for a few nights if we can find someone to feed them and let them out twice a day.

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