Thursday, April 5, 2012

High Time

In these few moments of quiet... perhaps it's time to give you more than a one liner...

Newest developments...
- Jacob is sleeping 7pm - 5:30am, nursing, then getting up again around 7am.  We accomplished this by one night of crying post-RSV.  Feels good (not the crying, but the sleep).
- Weaning off of the mid-day "meal"
- Jacob's eating finger foods easily and prefers that now:  cheerios, sweet potatoes, cooked fruit, bananas, etc...
- Starting to take his formula out of a sippy cup instead of a bottle.
- Kate wrote out "Thank Q"  on a card yesterday.  I spelled "thank" from the kitchen as she wrote all the letters by herself and then added the "Q" at the end -- cracked me up...
- We have finally... finally... gotten our routine down... Daddy P is up and on his way to work by 6am.  I am getting back in bed after nursing Jacob around then and hide for a few more minutes.  Kate wanders in around 6:30am if I'm lucky.  I get up and brush my teeth and throw on clothes.  We get Jacob up, dress the kids, feed Elly and start breakfast.  By 8am we're out the door to school.  Then home, play with Jacob a bit, and he naps.  I get dressed for work at that point, and the nanny shows up.  I leave, work... half the days Paul meets them at home at 5pm and I get home in time to kiss cheeks for bed.  The other half I stay home with Jacob all day, play, clean, grocery shop, play some more, read, eat, and then pick up Kate at 3:30.  We go on a walk together or play outside until I have to start dinner.  Daddy P rolls in around 5:30pm and if he's lucky dinner's ready.  If not, he takes the kids outside to play while I cook (my "me" time which I love).  Then family time after dinner, baths and bed!  That will all change in one month...

In one month we will start keeping Kate home for the summer.  Daddy P is off for the summer (yay teaching!) and we'll have a full house.  We shall see how that changes up my happy little routine... :)  I'm looking forward to more play days... and then -- what Kate doesn't yet know -- Kate starts at a new school in September that is closer to home, cheaper, and only a part-time day... It's a beautiful little school and I'm really looking forward to being able to walk her to school... Right now it takes me almost an hour to get her to school, drop her off and get back home when all is said and done...

Alright.  Time for my "me" time... sorry peeps!  More later!

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