Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Training

It's spring in Texas and we're trying to take advantage of it before it's all gone.  Daddy P's on spring break and is currently using it to finish up chores which, although not super fun, is much appreciated.  We are also having some wonderful times playing outdoors with the kids and friends. 

Jacob is babbling.  He has a sound for "Elly" (the dog, the word that sounds closest to a real word... "eh-eeee"), Kate (just "A A A!"), Daddy (da da da da).  Mommy is just crying for the most part (or giggling hysterically). 

Two weekends ago Jacob wasn't taking naps.  He cried when we left him, cried in bed, cried cried cried.  Not sleeping more than 3 hours at a time, yada yada.  Took him to the doc Sunday morning and ... clean bill of health.  That night we decided he was gonna cry.  He'd had his chance, and with a clean bill of health that was that.

It's been a week.  He slept from 10pm (when I woke him for last feed) to 5am.  The best stretch in a looooong time.  I'll totally take it.  It took a week to get him to sleep through the 3am feed he was used to.  Last night was the first he did.  The first few nights he was up for 2 hours crying on and off.  Then 1 hour... then we were just so tired we don't even know. 

I swear to never ever nurse him at night again, no matter what.  Never ever. 

Last week on ONE nap we went in after he'd cried for 30 minutes and the next two nights he cried and cried every time he woke up.  Yes, he is that easily conditioned... for the worst... so, as long as we stay VERY strong, things go well.  When we get lazy or give in then it all ends in a crying mess.

For now, all is good.  Damn the time change, but I will live.  Kate doesn't understand why she has to go to bed when it's light out, but she'll have to deal...
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