Friday, March 30, 2012

9 months!

Eating solids...beans, sweet potato pieces, banana and the like..

Walks the length of the house with his push toy, turns around and returns.

Knows what "kate," "elly," "nurse," "eat," and some others mean...

Signs for nursing...with his own made up sign...stubborn ...

Laughs like an old man at his sister...

Has three bottom and four top teeth ..


Loves his marraca...

Obsessed with the dog...

Sleeping 7 to 6 (yay!)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Vampire Baby

Four top teeth and three bottom. Almost nine months old.  Ouch.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Kate's "The Voice"

Here is Kate's staging of "the Voice" with Jacob and Paul as judges... if you get bored of our spectacular singing, skip to the final judging.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Jacob has RSV. Never dealt with RSV. But apparently it is a bad long virus. He has had a fever since Friday. Keeps choking on his own mucus. It's fun.

He has only slept in the car.  And (ureka!) On me, just now! That's progress. Sad. Last night he slept a whopping 4 hours.

I have never seen a kid so miserable.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sick sick sickies

As you can see I had a lot of care-giving going on this weekend.   Jacob is siiiiick.  Man oh man.  I don't think I've ever had a kid in my house this sick.  It's terrible.  Exhausting.  Bah.  Maybe I've just forgotten.  Anyway, all he wanted to do was lie around on one of us.  Today we started using Ibuprofin AND Tylenol and that gave him a leg up -- enough that he was crawling and walking around.

Kate's been a little fussy here and there but says she feels okay... hard to tell.  Hasn't napped all weekend and has been either crazy happy excited, or moody frustrated weepy.  Ahhhh, sleep exhaustion...

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8 month picture!

Couldn't keep him sitting next to the ball, so here is our compromise...

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A stroller ride to the grocery store this morning to keep fussy kids resting and semi-quiet. And, gotta love those pouches of food. So easy.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St Pattys

No beer, no music. Just a clover in a blond head of hair. :)

Yard Camping

Worried that Spring Break would brig drunken rowdiness to campsites throughout Texas, we opted to stay home. Kate and Paul, however, will be camping out back.  Just in time to escape a baby wig a fever, runny nose, red throat, and three teeth breaking through.

More to come...

Friday, March 16, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What we call a "healthy eater"

Jacob eats. If we used those pouches of food that are so uber convenient for every meal we would spend 6 bucks a day on babyfood!  Still trying to get him used to finger foods. He can get banana to his mouth about half the time.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


The first night they kept each other occupied. It ended in tears of course...but still...

Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Training

It's spring in Texas and we're trying to take advantage of it before it's all gone.  Daddy P's on spring break and is currently using it to finish up chores which, although not super fun, is much appreciated.  We are also having some wonderful times playing outdoors with the kids and friends. 

Jacob is babbling.  He has a sound for "Elly" (the dog, the word that sounds closest to a real word... "eh-eeee"), Kate (just "A A A!"), Daddy (da da da da).  Mommy is just crying for the most part (or giggling hysterically). 

Two weekends ago Jacob wasn't taking naps.  He cried when we left him, cried in bed, cried cried cried.  Not sleeping more than 3 hours at a time, yada yada.  Took him to the doc Sunday morning and ... clean bill of health.  That night we decided he was gonna cry.  He'd had his chance, and with a clean bill of health that was that.

It's been a week.  He slept from 10pm (when I woke him for last feed) to 5am.  The best stretch in a looooong time.  I'll totally take it.  It took a week to get him to sleep through the 3am feed he was used to.  Last night was the first he did.  The first few nights he was up for 2 hours crying on and off.  Then 1 hour... then we were just so tired we don't even know. 

I swear to never ever nurse him at night again, no matter what.  Never ever. 

Last week on ONE nap we went in after he'd cried for 30 minutes and the next two nights he cried and cried every time he woke up.  Yes, he is that easily conditioned... for the worst... so, as long as we stay VERY strong, things go well.  When we get lazy or give in then it all ends in a crying mess.

For now, all is good.  Damn the time change, but I will live.  Kate doesn't understand why she has to go to bed when it's light out, but she'll have to deal...
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Monday, March 5, 2012


I am obsessed with this child...

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A freaking fantastic day at the kite festival...

Sarah Griesemer, Ph.D. shared an album with you.
A freaking fantastic day at the kite festival. Kate had a ball learning to fly her kite, and Jacob was in heaven watching it all happen. A wonderful way to spend a Sunday. So grateful and connected.
...and 16 more photos.
View album
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Sunday Song Appreciation

Since no one understood my reference when I shouted "under the moonlight, the serious moonlight" we had a little you tube education this morning...

My Sweeties

Saturday morning cuddles...makes up for the cuddles starting at 6am...

Well, another weekend, another weekend visit to the doctor. Thinking this is ear infection three for Jacob, but we will see.

He is 8 months old now, cruising around from furniture to furniture and babbling up a storm.  He chases the dog and his sister around the house.  Yesterday I was folding clothes and he played peekaboo by crawling out of sight, then crawling up to me. I'd throw him in the air and then he would do the whole thing again. It was hilarious. He laughed so loud crawling back into view.

Friday, March 2, 2012