Monday, October 10, 2011


We went out to dinner Saturday night without kids.  We're sitting there with our best friends, three kids less than we usually have between us, and realized it might have been two years since we last had three hours to sit, eat, chat, drink, and relax.  It was amazing.

Follow that up with a morning of soft rain, coffee and breakfast tacos on our screened in porch, and lazy enjoyment of life.  (oh, and a hastily-- but amazingly well -- put together lecture on how to use yoga in parenting since I had a talk to give later that morning.)  :)

And now we return to the workweek.  Kate's off at school, Paul's off at school, Jacob has spent the last twenty minutes pooping, and I am working on a report for work.  We are all back in the swing of things and focused on our jobs.

Life is easy to feel grateful for right now.  I am recovering from a very stressful two weeks of illness, family in town, and work overload.  I am readjusting my workload down.  I have been in a "say yes to anyone" place in my private practice for so long that I am just now realizing it is time to say "no."  I am full, believe it or not, which is a huge blessing but also a surprisingly hard adjustment.

I spent all weekend without my lovely family as I worked the Yoga Festival and put my "I can do it if I have to" sales skills to good use.  Although, since I am an introvert by nature, I was exhausted by the end of it.  But, as a result, I have twenty new people signed up for our newsletter, and one new person signed up for our yoga workshop.  I got a lot of interest from studio owners in our research study that we are starting  and am feeling a little more connected in that community.

Meanwhile, my husband is happily settling in to his role as professor (although, he is earning the reputation of the toughest professor in the department), my toddler is acting more and more like a "kid" each day and the baby just learned to roll over!  What development we are all living!

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