Thursday, September 22, 2011

Trials of Eating

Jacob will not take a bottle.  It's made life fun.  Normally it isn't an issue, which is probably why he hasn't taken one well.  I am generally gone four, maybe five hours at a time tops.  Yesterday though, I took a new testing contract, and was gone a solid six.  At hour six, the nanny texted me that he hadn't eaten all day and was crying and had been crying for the past hour.  I came home, of course, totally freaked out.  He ate, then pooped, and then slept and was fine the rest of the day.

Today, I took both kids to the doctor.  Jacob is fine.  Kate has a sinus infection.  I cancelled my morning for the doctor but had one consultation session over lunch that I was committed to, so I asked the nanny to watch both. Well, got home and Kate was totally exhausted and at wits' end, and did not eat for the nanny and wouldn't eat for me.  I see smoothies in her future... Poor kid's throat is bright bright red.  There is strep going around her class and I'm hoping we can avoid that...

Such fun in our house!  Fall germs I guess!

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