Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How to break a window

Step 1: Put dog and baby in car.
Step 2: Put all of your stuff on the seat while you buckle baby in.
Step 3: Close door.
Step 4: Open driver door. I said, open the driver's door. What? It isn't opening?!?! But the baby's in the car! And the dog! In the BLACK car! And it's sunny! It might be 55 out but it was freaking hot in there when you opened the door! What do you MEAN YOU LOCKED THE BABY IN THE CAR?!?!

Skip through steps 5 through 10 (freaking out; running back and forth in the driveway; knocking on all the neighbors doors to try to use their phones to call your husband and realizing that you need to move to a neighborhood with old people and stay-at-home moms; debating which house window to break; trying to break the chosen window with a large limb only to watch the limb splinter and break against the window; choosing a large rock and pounding it on the window until it at last smashes through all the way; carefully removing large pieces.)

"Seriously, I mean, seriously??"

Step 11: Step through the broken window, carefully.
Step 12: Retrieve spare car keys.
Step 13: Open car and save baby and dog.

1 comment:

Pamelamers said...

Seriously??? How much sleep are you getting??