Saturday, March 30, 2013


Says Kate:
Momma, the Easter Bunny is just a person in a costume. He flies a rocket and drops eggs at the houses.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Builder

Kate amazes me.

I found these materials for free... Rocks and wood, and told her they were for creating. She wasted not a second. Instantly she began arranging, balancing, and building.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My current favs

I am... Jacob.

Jacob has learned who he is.  He is... "be bub"... or that's what it sounds like to me.

As in:  "where is bebub?"  and then shortly thereafter... "here i am"

(taking some pronunciation liberties here for your better understanding.  for those wishing more authentic text:  "airs bebub?"  and then... "eiam")

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Jacob's favorite thing ever is a firetruck. Ever. Better than a tractor. Well, maybe.

So, we made one! For some reason they insisted on being naked under their vests. A little too Village People for me...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"what's thaaaat?"

Jacob's favorite phrases:
What's thaaaat?
Whatareyou doing?

Today we are driving along and from the back seat I hear:
Momma, tractor, tractor, tractor, whatisit doing? Whatisit doing?

Cracks me up.

Kate on the other hand is exploring truth and lies. I hear a lot "I'm telling the truth!" even in situations in which there is no doubt that she is, which brings me to believe that this is an issue at school.

Tonight she told Paul that tomorrow she is going to have to spend ALL morning doing homework. She explained to Paul that this is the case because she has spent all weekend and all yesterday playing "with mommy and daddy."

She is also exploring hoe relationships rupture and repair. She is noticing more and more how people make up. Paul and I try not to hide our making up (G rated) after fights or disagreements. She also has been getting this a lot as we encourage both kids to do something for the other after a hurtful exchange.

Yesterday she started calling me Yucky Mommy. (she is also in 4 year old potty humor which sometimes crosses to name calling.) when I didn't find it funny and ignored her she scooted off. Five minutes later she returns with a box. I open it to find several paintings "to say I'm sorry and make you feel better."

At school her teacher is working on the opposite: teaching her to be assertive when she is being pushed to do something she doesn't want to. Kate's excellent at the silent ignore or walk away but gets overwhelmed and doesn't talk. She has had some big successes lately sith her peers at school standing up for herself. We are definitely seeing that practiced with baby brother!

Kate's favorite phrases:
You are not the boss of me. (and variations thereof)
Meow meow meow (lots of pretending to be a kitty)

And some photos of the ladybug explosion. The kids love finding them and Jacob waves and says "bye bye" as they float away.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Happy Birthday Elly

Jacob has been singing "Happy Birthday" for several days.  Apparently a lot of children in his class are turning two!  Yesterday he started singing "Happy Birthday truck" and then "Happy Birthday Elly."  Of course, the camera comes out and all singing stops... drat...

But you can still see a bit of his cuteness... and neatness!


This is the face that does "splash"!

Happy happy

Kate ran into her best friend this morning. Her sleep deprived and exhausted parents loaded the kids into the car and took them to get breakfast. Low and behold! Her bff was there!

One very happy kid!

We had a beautiful day outside soaking up the cool sunshine. Gardening, playing on the playground, and all kinds of nuttiness. A day you genuinely feel so lucky for the life you've been given and created.

Yay us!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Decided to write cards to all of her friends. I came over and she had six of these done. She wants to hand them out as party favors as people leave her birthday party...

Warm enough

One day hit 85 and Kate asks: remember last year when we took off ALL our clothes and ran around in the sprinklers? Can we do that today?

(Jacob would not oblige. This is the child who declares "mess" when something spills and cries until it is cleaned up.)


Yeah, we have bought a LOT of ibuprofen this winter... Here is hoping tubes and adenoids out cures everything. I am skeptical.

Apparently, it is quite painful having your adenoids removed. #weekofnosleep #walkingdead

4 y.o. Kid

Notice horse's spots, such fine detail...