Monday, February 25, 2013

+ Tubes - adenoids = no more drugs

Took the kid in this morning to get some things moved around. Showed up at 7:30 (no food since 10 and no drinks since 5am). He came out of anesthesia as he had last time: angry. Thrashing, kicking, scratching, crying. Wanting the IV out. Miserable guy. Finally calms down, then is ok enough to get home.

At home he just is exhausted. So as we read books he then proceeds to throw up nastiness all over me, he chair, the floor and his whole body.

Done with that, we both took a long nap. He woke up in good spirits and feeling much much better.

He went on drugs Thursday for a "very minor" infection in one ear, and today had two "very nasty ear infections."


Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday Fun

Never thought I would spend my Friday at an auction house. Lol. Was so much fun. Yay for self care!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Love Siblings

There's a lot to be said for siblings...

Don't get me wrong, they hit each other, too.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Morning Cartoons

We have started a Sunday morning cartoon tradition. It allows the grownups to sneak a few (well, one) more hours sleep.

This morning I was dozing on the couch with Jacob whole Paul slept in and Jacob looks at the picture and says, "Thomas sad, Thomas sad."

Geesh. This kid is going to be a great boyfriend someday.

He has just started using phrases at almost 20 months. If this is what we have pre-tubes we are going to have a chatterbox in a few weeks.

This morning we woke up and he sees Kate is missing and asks "where Kate?"

My current favorite thing about this helper is his tendency to like things tidy. As I am trying he found some trash which his now is throwing away.

Did I mention he is going to be an awesome boyfriend?

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Cold Day!

Our normal Saturday run was so cold that Kate requested oatmeal and a steamer at breakfast.

It was so cold so actually wore her gloves.

It was so cold she refused to talk.

But after a hot breakfast she enjoyed the playground. She has recently loved helping our friends' little one around. They make quite the pair. Kate loves being a helper and June eats up the attention.

Serious Artists

A Night with Nana and Papa

Got treated to the suite for some Elmo. Which was perfect for a toddler that won't sit still.

Kate loved the ice and cups, Jacob lived easily accessible food, Daddy P loved the beer, and I loved the cushy chairs.

Win win win win!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Outside time

Happy Nana and Papa are back in town to do the work mom won't do.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Post donuts

Everyone is tired after donuts and milk. Thank goodness for a strong stroller and good walking shoes.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Soccer Girl

Kate just started soccer at school and she had a blast playing with the kids at the Super bowl Party.

Repunzel's Tower

My little architect. I adore this kid.