Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A little yoga relaxation

Kate and I did some yoga today and I taught her about savasana, my favorite part of yoga.   During savasana you calm your mind and body and prepare for meditation.  Her favorite part seemed to be the soft eye covers.  Her savasana didn't last my targeted three minutes, but hey...its a start.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Baby sex

Since so many of you are tuned into my pronoun use...baby sex cannot be determined until twenty weeks. (we are at 12 fyi). And yes, we will find out and share with you.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Country Wedding

 We drove out to the country to see Paul's best friend from college get married.  The day was beautiful.  We set up the tent...

 Kate tested it out for Paul.  (We slept at a hotel while Paul camped.  I decided back in October that the chances were good that it would be too cold for Kate if we all camped.)

 Kate then fell in LOVE with the moonbounce.  I thought she'd be scared of all the kids in close quarters bouncing but she loved it.  We couldn't get her to do anything else...

Except, see the cows and chickens.  Here she is eating a hamburger in front of the cow.  Yeah, it was weird.  The next morning she went with the groom's dad to get eggs from the chickens.  They freaked her out but she wouldn't stop talking about them, and she lets you know now where your eggs came from.  (Tried to explain the cow-burger connection too but that one didn't sink in.)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Overheard at Bedtime

No, Daddy.  Read in Spanish.

Lol.  and then -- it gets better -- he does!

Gringo spanish.  But it was all delightful.


Well, Daddy P and I went for our 12 week ultrasound today.  This baby is a totally different person than Kate.  When we did the ultrasound with Kate I remember the tech pushing (HARD) on my lower abdomen to try to get her to budge.  This kid wouldn't hold still.  Not only was he flopping around all over the place, but he kept rolling over.  It was amazing.  Now I know I will have lots of sleepless nights to come with a rocking baby. 

A close-up

See the teeny feet on the left?

Showing us his back/butt as he rolls around

Friday, December 3, 2010

Xmas decorating

Kate got her first real taste of helping decorate. She really got into it and loved hanging up the ornaments.

Note our new, fake, allergy-free tree. To confirm that we needed to buy a fake tree we went to Home Depot, rubbed pine needles on her arms, and walked around looking at the fake trees. You can see how that turned out...

The final product:

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